Privacy & Cookies Policy

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1. Privacy Policy

  • (hereinafter the “Company” or the “Site ”) is aimed at protecting every registered user’s and a site visitor’s privacy, as well as all the personal details provided by everyone who browses this Site (hereinafter the “User”).
  • The company has developed the Privacy Policy to provide users with all the information on how the Site collects your data or cookies when a user uses the AUS-Casino’s services and how the company can use it.
  • The company emphasizes that all the rights of both parties ( and the User) are described in Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions in detail. All Users who register on the site confirm that they have read the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy policy and agree with everything mentioned in the Agreement, in particular, they agree that can collect, use, and disclose (if necessary) all the data they enter, upload, or send when using the Site, as long as this does not conflict with the Agreement, Privacy policy, and other rules set by the Site.

2. Collecting Data

  • The Site collects the personal details of a User, in particular, the name, birth date, financial data (if it is entered, sent, uploaded, i.e, provided by a User), the address (including email and physical address), phone number and any other contact details. It should also be noted that the Site has the right to collect all the traffic and the so-called administrative information, in particular, the IP address of the User, time when he or she accesses the site, date of access, pages visited, the language that is chosen by the User, information about the browsers used when  browsing the Site.
  • (as well as the other organizations on its behalf) collects  the data when you use the Site. The User bears all responsibility for providing the accurate, valid personal details and any other data that he or she provides to the Site (and to the other organizations on its behalf.) If the User provides inaccurate data, they will have a direct impact on the information he or she receives from the Site. Note that all the phone calls you make when contacting the Company’s Support Services may be recorded, and the Site has the right to dispose of them as the owner.

3. How we use the data

  • The Site uses all the Data entered, uploaded or sent by a User, as well as other information, to provide high-quality services, including customer support services. The Company needs the data to provide the highest level of security, identify every user, check the data provided by registered and non-registered users, process the transactions, meet all the requirements, and for all other purposes that are somehow related to the provision of the services. It should also be noted that the Site can disclose the data provided by the User to the third-party organizations and firms if they also participate in providing services to the User or the Company (which can also be considered the provision of the services to the User.) In particular, your Personal details and other data provided by you to the Site can be shared with the employees of the Company, which is necessary to provide all types of services, including the customer support services, financial services, as well as the anti-scam and anti-spam services. The data can also be shared with the partners of the companies to provide financial services.
  • The data can also be used by the Site, as well as by its partners to promote the services of the Company and to send the information directly related to the services (provided both by the Site and the partners of the Sites) to the Users. It should be noted that by saying “information directly related to the services” we also mean the data related to all the services provided by our partners, which can improve the Site’s offering or a range of goods and services and improve the customer support services. The User would receive such offerings only if he or she agreed to receive them. The promotional information may be sent to the User’s 1) email address 2) phone number 3) SMS 4) mail 4) new tabs. the Site may also use the provided information to analyze which services are used by the User, to evaluate the demand for certain services, and to improve all the services.
  • The Site can share your personal data, as well as the other data you provide to the Company if it is required by law or to protect the Company itself (from staff to finances and rights) or to provide the safety of the Users. the Site also has the right to disclose the data entered or uploaded by the User with other niche websites, banks, payment systems or other firms that are somehow related to the provision of the services to prove that the User has tried to defraud the Site, or if the Company suspects the User of committing any illegal action of activity, including the financial one.
  • There are no territorial restrictions, i.e., the Company has the right to share and transfer the data outside the country of the User’s residence and store this data in any other country. Even if the data I stored outside of the User’s country, the Company is making every effort to protect your personal data.

4. Preservation of data

The Site will retain all the Data entered or uploaded by the User for the time set by the existing legislation. You may send the official request and ask the company to delete some all of the data or all the data that were ever uploaded, enter or sent by you, and the request will be reviewed only if it is consistent with the existing legislation.

5. The User’s consent

We want to emphasize that every User can agree or not agree to receive the promotional emails and other promotional materials from the Site.  If you do not want to receive any emails, messages, or any other materials, you can contact the Support Department. If you do not want to receive such materials, you can contact the support team. Nevertheless, even if you confirm that you do not want to receive the promotional updates, you will still receive the emails with the info on the most important updates and other notifications that are directly related to the Site’s work, rules, and other crucial aspects. 

6. Cookies

The Company has the right to collect, store, and track cookies, i.e. the files, which are stored on your device when you are browsing web pages, to understand if the User visits the site after he or she saw it in the Google’s or any other search engines’ search results, why does he or she leaves the Site, and if he or she follows the links to the Site on any other web pages. We would like to emphasize that this data is not personally identifiable – it is just the statistics that collects to improve its services, identify the most popular services, pages, articles, etc. According to our Agreement, the Site has the right to use the session, persistent, and third-party cookies. It should also be noted that the User can feel free to delete his or her cookies by following the recommendations or instructions of the browser he or she uses. If you disable them, some services may not be provided properly, i.e., the experiences of using the Site may be different from the experience of the Users who allow the Company to collect and use cookies.

7. The User’s Security

The administration of the Site, as well as all the employees, are making every effort and implementing the best security policy to protect members against any threat and to safeguard all the details and information uploaded, entered, sent, i.e., provided by the registered Users. The main goal is to protect the Users and  from unauthorized access, inappropriate content, suspicious users, inappropriate and/or unnecessary disclosure of the personal data, and data leaks or accidental loss of information. All the staff that has access to Users’ information has no right to share these data with any third-party organizations and individuals.

8. Links to other platforms and sites

The Site, as well as the mobile app and the mobile version of the Site, may share the links to other platforms and mobile applications. These platforms, in turn, may link to the Site, the Company’s site, application, or the mobile version of the site. Our Website cannot control what kind of content is posted by our partners, their sites, mobile apps, and other platforms. All the actions taken by the Users on these platforms are regulated by these platforms’ rules, and our Site is not responsible for the rules set by other companies.

9. Selling a business and/or transfer

If a Website is sold or transferred to any other organization or individual, or if the Company declares bankruptcy, it has the right to sell, share or transfer the User’s data, including all the other details provided by the User or about the User whether the User agree or not agree to do this, to an organization or an individual who buys or gets the Site. It therefore follows that this firm or an individual automatically acquires the right to do everything that you allowed to do to

10. Disclaimer

No one, not a single organization, website, mobile application, or any other platform can guarantee that all the data and details that the User provides are completely secure. Despite the fact that the Site makes every effort to protect the Users and their personal data against any threats online, the User needs to understand that any transmission is at his or her own risk. It therefore follows that the Site (which is the owner, the administrators, and employees, i.e, all its all staff) bears no responsibility for any incidents it cannot control.

11. The Acceptance of the Site’s privacy policy

By confirming that you agree to all the rules, conditions, and terms when creating the profile on the Site, mobile app, or the mobile version of the site or simply by using the services provided by, you agree to its Privacy Policy and to any updates and changes made by It should be emphasized that the team of the Site will send you the notification or post the changes on the Site or any other of the Company’s platforms, and the User will be required to confirm that he or she is conversant with them and agree with them completely. If you do not confirm that you have read all the information on the updates and changes, you will not be able to use the services provided by the Company anymore. You can also notify the Site that you do not agree to the new Terms and do not want to use the services provided anymore. 

12. Other aspects

You can see all the data that the Site keeps. Please note that the Company will share the data with you only after you send the request. If you think that any of the data that the Company stores are invalid, please, contact the customer support team to change any of the details provided by you before.